mission: ensure studio survival through transformational, transgressive, and unduplicatable works of staggering creativity - portals to temporary emancipation - as well as pioneering an indomitable & democratic workplace culture
Releasing Q2 2025
the cat a creature of great tact
thin whiskers feel the air react
can sense the world through sight and scent
quick paws can grip full ground's extent
our ears can hear the faintest strain
of anger malice fear and pain
our skin is covered with fine hairs
our tail can signal to our peers
but most of all the cat inhales
messages that other cats send
these pheromones can tell the tale
of sex of status and of friend
oh cataverse your code profound
a cosmos where MVP is crowned
through coconuts your treasured share
you too will rise on whispered prayer
one last word to aid your travel
before your fate for you unravel
to join nomadic fleets above
you must first learn just how to love
to tread a path of truth and light
to bring yourself to greater heights
Based in Portland, OR
Founded 2022
Press/Business Contact:
nitroclay seeks to pioneer a new model of game production in which creative ownership is democratically delegated, decisions are decided based on the degree it affects those involved, and the booty is split proportional to contribution.
nitroclay is a fictional substance.
lol make sure you fix this website before things blow up elsewhere